Page 6 - Paruzzi Magazine edition 05
P. 6

#13                                         Engine


        It will be much easier to set the                       Jack up your VW following the

        valve clearance once you have                           guidelines described in our
        removed the rear wheels. It is                          edition 03. It can take a few

        not a must, but it will make the                        hours to set the valve clearance,

        job more pleasant. If this is the                       if this is the first time you do
        first time you do this type of                          this. Take your time, this is not a

        maintenance, we advise you to                           competition, make sure you do

        follow this procedure.                                  the job correctly. Once you gain

                                                                some experience, it'll take only
                                                                30 minutes.

     6                                                                                                                                             Paruzzi Magazine 05
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