
Not every part is equipped with a manual, if there is a manual or additional information available you can find it here. The manuals are available in PDF format, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader, Preview or Safari (for Mac users) to view a manual.

To download a manual:

Using a Windows:
1) Click the manual you want to download. It will either open in your web browser or Acrobat Reader.
2) Go to the File menu and choose Save (or save page as).
3) Choose a location to save the manual.

Using a Mac with Safari:
1) Click the manual you want to download. It will open in Safari.
2) Go to the File menu and choose "Save as."
3) Choose a location to save the manual.

Using a Mac with Firefox:
1) Click the manual you want to download. Firefox will ask if you want to open or save the document.
2) Choose Save and select a location to save the manual.

NOTE: If the manual does not open in your web browser or Acrobat Reader, you need to install Acrobat Reader from the Adobe website.

Enter the Artikkelnummer, you can find this number on the packaging or the item itself (on the left side off the bar-code).
Click on "Søk" and all the available manuals are listed.

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